「Yasugi」Official Music Video
- 「Yasugi」
- vocal, Lyrics : COMA-CHI
Beats : Uyama Hiroto
Shakuhachi : Keizan Tanabe
film&edit : Bisowa design team
Dance : Seiko Usami
costume: Kuu
Special thanks to
一般社団法人日本SBNR協会,(Japan SBNR Association)
一般財団法人MIZUNOTE(MIZUNOTE General Incorporated Foundation)
This song from the album「OTO」

【作品名】OTO (オト)
【リリース元】Queen's Room / Hydrofunk Japan
- 曲名
- 1.序-OTO-
- 2.Kuroda
- 3.Yoshiwara
- 4.Yasugi
- 5.Yoi yoi
- 6.Otemoyan
- 7.Ryujin norito-The Shinto chant for Dragon- (long ver.)
- 8.Iyasaka
- 9.Tokyo ondo
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安来千軒 名の出たところ 社日桜に 十神山
I wanna be free from al damn chains
And fly with bees and birds
Spread the wings to the sky
But I got many many things that tied me up
The invisible wall
The chains and ball
It's nothing to me at all
Is it large or small?
Is it Short or tall?
It's nothing to me at all
Stop Swearing from the phone
Just Leave me alone
Cause It's nothing to me at all
I’l keep my eyes closed and stand by myself
It means nothing at all
Such a emptiness is filing my heart and soul
Al I need is just breath control
I don’t check the death tolls or number of births cause It's nothing to me at all
出雲名物 荷物にならぬ 聞いてお帰り 安来節